All you need to know about Living Coral.
Find out what the color means and how you can pair it with other colors to achieve beautiful results.
Living Coral is the Pantone’s Color of the year 2019, named after the sea dwellers which adorn seabeds. Even though it has numerous attributes of orange, this fresh and invigorating pink-orange color is less intense, elusive yet fascinating, reflecting the richness of our ecosystem.
As a dynamic and energetic color, Living Coral is best paired with colors like tiffany blue and white. It also works out perfectly with warm colors, such as yellows and oranges. To restrain the enthusiasm that Living Coral brings, pair it with navy blue, taupes and grays. To give it a manly vibe, utilize it as an accent to navy blue.
Living Coral hex code: #FA7268
Color conversion
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Living Coral