All you need to know about Honeysuckle.
Find out what the color means and how you can pair it with other colors to achieve beautiful results.
Honeysuckle is the Pantone Color of the year 2011. It is a vibrant reddish pink that is named after the honeysuckle flower. Similar to many pink hues, it is notably eye-grabbing, charming, and lively wherever it is utilized.
Honeysuckle may not be as soft and tender as rose pink, but it still symbolizes affection, romance, love, admiring, and femininity. In opposition to shy pink hues, Honeysuckle is an intense and striking color, making it a color that can be used solely by itself. Moreover, the vibrance of color indicates encouragement and is inspiring. If you want to include honeysuckle in your color palette, try to utilize it alongside oranges, yellows, seafoam greens and golds.
Honeysuckle hex code: #d65076
Color conversion
Suggested color combination with Honeysuckle
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