All you need to know about Brown.
Find out what the color means and how you can pair it with other colors to achieve beautiful results.
Brown is a color of nature, commonly associated with forest, wood, earth, and different elements surrounding our daily lives. This color is generally associated with the fall season. Some may consider the color brown to be bland, but it is a versatile color with a packed of meaning. Brown usually represents simplicity, steadfastness, responsibility, and dependability. Interestingly, brown can stimulates appetite which can be seen in most of the food and beverage industry.
If you want a color palette that conveys an earthy vibe, try pairing brown with different shades of green. Moreover, brown can be utilized as a replacement for black to create a warm and soothing sentiment in your design. In nature, brown coexists with a huge variety of colors like flora and fauna, attesting to its versatility.
Brown hex code: #964B00
Color conversion
Suggested color combination with Brown
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